1. Undertaking audit assignments in line with the approved audit work plan to confirm the adequacy and effectiveness of governance, risk management and control
2. Performing substantive and compliance testing of accountable records and documents and prepare working papers;
3. Providing input in preparation of audit reports for audit engagements executed
4. Assisting in evaluating progress and effectiveness of action taken to implement audit recommendations received from internal and external audits.
5. Assisting in preparing draft audit test procedures, draft notifications and request for information Memos;
6. Carrying out audit tests on internal controls in accounting, administration and operational procedures
7. Assisting in ensuring that the audit working and paper files are complete and well referenced.
8. Reviewing prepared audit test procedures, drafts notifications and request for information Memos;
9. Preparing draft audit reports;
10. Preparing draft risk-based audit plans, programmes and schedules;
11. Assisting in examining and evaluating the Council’s internal controls to ascertain their adequacy and make recommendations for improvement.