1. Carrying out public education on the standards for optimum industry productivity
2. Carrying out continuous industry skills need assessment
3. Undertaking industry skills development through the Training and Production Centre for Shoe Industry
4. Undertaking training across the training and technology transfer Centres Collaboration with other training institutions in reviewing of curricula for training in hides, skins, leather, leather product
5. Undertaking internship for leather and related trainees
6. Undertaking training outreach programs for MSMEs Under take test and certification of professionals both local and foreign experts working in the country
7. Carrying out training needs assessment in leather value chain;
8. Ensuring the training Centres are operational and well maintained;
9. Carrying out the identification/recruitment of MSMEs to be trained in production of leather and leather products;
10. Advising on development and revision of training curriculum and materials;
11. Coordinating trainings across the Centres;
12. Ensuring a register of trained MSMEs is maintained;
13. Coordinating follow up and assessment of training impacts on MSMEs productivity; and
14. Ensuring appropriate environmental management systems is in place.